Curly hair

How To Choose Your Curly Hair Products?

There’re ingredients to look for and factors to be understood about curls, to choose the right products to maintain healthy hair. Exploring, experimenting, and keeping track of your hair journey while using the best hair care products, enable you to achieve your natural hair at its best.
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Investing a lot in products that don’t do anything for your curls is discouraging beyond words and us curlies know that better than anybody else, agree? You might have also had experiences where the product you thought would perfectly suit your hair ended up damaging your naturally curly tresses to an irreparable extent. Making the curl overlords happy isn’t easy as curly hair has its own moods and personality! The first thing curly heads need to know is that none of the products you use will ever change the nature of your curls. Using the best hair care products for curly hair will only help you to achieve your natural hair type at its best version. Good products shed the damaged exterior, and shower the curls with nutrients.

The best kind of hair you can possibly achieve with the most popular hair care products from the market is your natural hair type at its best. When you use products that are appropriate for your curls and take the right care providing abundant nutrients, it unleashes the true potential of your tresses which were lost under all the damage.

Understanding your curls, before choosing the right product!

Curly Hair Products

The relevance of using good nutrient-rich products to nourish the scalp is underrated. Before choosing any product, knowing your hair is of primary importance. Every curl type is different from each other and how they respond to different products is also a mystery to be explored. Have you taken out the time to understand your curls? Let’s find out.

  • Your Curl Condition: What exactly is your curl condition? Are they super damaged? Find out whether you have a lot of breakages, split ends, or hair fall. When you gain an understanding of these, you can go ahead and choose a product that solves the issues specific to your curly hair.
  • Your Curl Type: There are different types of curls. What type is yours? If you haven’t found out yet, here check out our blog Types of Curly Hair, and identify your curl type.
  • Your Hair Porosity: Hair porosity is basically your curly hair’s capacity to hold moisture. There are 3 different levels of porosity, low, medium, and high. The more damaged your curls are, the higher would be the hair porosity.
Find out your hair porosity in 5 seconds!

Run a finger down a hair strand, if the strand feels smooth, it indicates low porosity. If the strand feels rough, it is an indicator of high porosity.

Tip: High Porosity curls require more protein to become healthier.

  • Your Hair Length: How long are your curly tresses? Long, medium, or short? The requirements of hair differ according to its length.
  • Your hair density: Find out the density of your hair. The density of hair refers to the number of strands per square inch of your head. You have low-density hair if you’re able to see the scalp without even parting your hair. If you can’t see your scalp at all, that shows your hair density is high.
  • Your hair Texture: Curls are extremely textured in nature. Curly hair is either coarse, medium, or fine. Fine curls need products containing more protein.

Ingredients to look out for in the products you pick!

What products do I need for Curly Girl Method? What ingredients should I look for in conditioner for curly hair? How to choose curly hair products in India? We’re addressing all these frequently asked questions by the Curlheads everywhere.

When you buy curl care products, always check if they contain the ingredients which are required to nourish your curls. We advise you to purchase CG-friendly products containing ingredients that are mild and curl-friendly, such as,

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera intensely soothes hair follicles and deep clean oily strands. It improves curl health. Aloe vera extract also adds extra shine to curly strands. If breakage is a concern of yours, aloe vera helps with that too!

Jamaican black castor oil

Jamaican black castor oil

Castor oil deeply moisturizes curly hair. It repairs dry, brittle ends and damaged cuticles. Hydration is important when it comes to curl care and this ingredient hydrates new life to curly strands.

Fermented rice water extract

Fermented rice water extract

Fermented rice water is rich in sufficient minerals and vitamins, which improve curly, wavy, and straight hair growth It protects your curly locks from damage and resultant breakage.

Shea butter

Shea butter

This ingredient helps reduce frizz in your long curly hair and helps them look extremely lush and healthy. It works wonders on extremely dry scalp and eases dandruff too! Shea butter also protects curls from sun damage as it contains SPF.

Exploring, experimenting, understanding, and keeping track of your curly hair journey is relevant to finding out what works for your curls and what you should stay away from! So, remain patient and take enough time to invest in curl care because it’s totally worth it. After all, who doesn’t want luscious healthy curls?

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All the content published on is solely for information purposes. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consider seeking the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider. The information, suggestion, or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.